In the 10 days before our flight to Saudi, we had all of our earthly possessions packed in either a box or a suitcase, drove over 1200 miles, flew 1358 miles, and slept in 5 different beds. Poor Lucy had to sleep in 5 different pack-n-plays in 7 different rooms, including a bathroom, a closet, and an unfinished basement storage room. And somehow she has been a better sleeper the past week then ever before! As long as she has Elmo, her blanket, and she can see the light on the monitor she has been going to sleep without any additional fussing. What a blessing!
Blue lines mark travel by car, green mark travel by plane (private from KS to CO, commercial from CO to TX). |
Moving day was Friday the 12th and it was topped off with a great meal at the Sealocks. The kids were having so much fun playing together we let them stay up WAY past their bedtime. Taking Lucy away from her friends is absolutely the most heartbreaking part of this move for me.
Three Amigos |
Our drive to KS on Saturday July 13 was easy and uneventful. Possibly thanks to Lucy staying up so late the night before, she took two two hour naps. Sunday morning we worshiped at FCC Manhattan and that evening Travis' dad cooked a very delicious brisket and invited my extended family over for dinner. We had a lovely meal together and Lucy had fun playing with her great aunts and uncles.
Always have to stop at Varsity Donuts before going to church at FCC Manhattan |
Monday we took Lucy to the new and improved City Park where she had a blast on the swings. The weather was perfect! It was so nice to enjoy some cooler temps. We had breakfast at Bob's Diner and then took her to K-State to meet some of our professors. Travis gave Lucy a campus tour on the way to lunch at Coco Bolo's. She made it all the way through but was tuckered out by the end!
Having fun with the swings at City Park |
Exhausted after Daddy's campus tour |
Monday evening we drove to Kansas City. We had dinner plans with Sonder, Todd and Clara Crane. Lucy and Clara enjoyed trading food and running amok. Travis enjoyed drinking some new Tallgrass Brewery Beer. After dinner we went back to my cousin Chris' house where Lucy had a great time playing with her cousins Milla and Fynn. We stayed up late with Chris and Dom to celebrate Jenny's birthday. She would have been 36 on Tuesday.
Tuesday we enjoyed a great breakfast on the porch at Chris and Dom's (again taking advantage of the lovely weather) and spent the afternoon with Sonder and Clara. The girls had so much fun splashing in the pool and playing duets on the piano together (just like their mommies did about 20 years ago!)
Lucy and Clara loved hanging out in Clara's pool |
Before heading out of KC we were able to meet up with Nick Uthoff for lunch. It was great catching up, but as always, was too short. We are definitely looking forward to our home leave visits where we will be able to spend more time with friends, instead of trying to fit it all into a frantic weekend!
Lucy, Milla and Fynn |
Back in Manhattan Lucy was most concerned about spending quality time with Samson. In the car she would practice saying "Hi Sam-mie!" and "Bye, Sam-mie!" They became good friends by the end of the week.
Best friends. Popco says Lucy needs a puppy... |
Lucy LOVED flying in Popco's airplane, specifically take-off and landing. Despite plaintive requests for "OUT!" while we were cruising, when it was actually time to leave the plane we had to remove her from the cockpit literally kicking and screaming.
Did I catch a "niner" in there? |
At the Ferree's house Lucy loved meeting their dog Wylie and playing with her cousins Eva, Nico, Jakob, Pixley, Kylee and Isaac.
Cousins |
Saturday evening we sadly had to leave the fish fry early to catch our flight back to Houston. We hit the most ridiculous traffic driving to Denver, but at least I-25 has a pretty view regardless of the traffic situation!
Once we were at the airport we were delayed taking off, but again Lucy handled the crazy schedule like a champ. She slept for most of the flight despite other kids around her crying the whole time. We made it to the Johnston's house about 2:00 in the morning. So thankful for our dear friends who will let us in at that hour!
Sunday morning we went to church with a conflicted heart. We have been attending First Christian Church Houston for nearly 7 years and have shared so much of our lives with this community, both the good times and the hard. We were completely humbled by the outpouring of love and support. The food was delicious and we will proudly display the framed picture with well wishes and the book of memories. I haven't been able to bring myself to read the book yet (emotions are still a little too raw!) but I know we will treasure it forever.
Travis and I sang Sara Groves' "Joy is in Our Hearts" for special music during the service. I know the original intent of the song was around entirely different circumstances but I think this expresses how we feel better than we can say it ourselves:
We were pressed on every side
Full of fear and troubled thoughts
For good reason we carried heavy hearts
It is good to come together
In our friendship to remember
All the reasons hope is in our hearts
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Christ our Joy and Strength
To listen to the original version of the song click
Sunday evening we went to Amazon Grill for dinner with everyone who could make it. The kids had so much fun running around and rearranging the chairs!
Lucy, Susannah, and "Baby Pate" |
Say Cheese! |
I think we're still catching up on our sleep from all that adventure, but we wouldn't change a thing about it. Thank you to all our friends and family who took time out of your busy schedules to send us off!
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