Friday, April 4, 2014

The most hazardous thing about compound living...

Is that your husband's co-workers will probably see you in your pajamas. And so will your drivers, and the maintenance workers, and the gardeners, etc. Here's how easily this happens (and yes, all of these things have happened to me!):

  • Your hot water goes out before you can get ready for the day, so it's necessary to call maintenance before you are dressed.
  • We have such nice weather in the spring it's hard to resist taking your cup of coffee out on the porch. Anyone out for an early morning walk around the compound will wave and say hello.
  • Maintenance will come to paint the outdoor trim at 8am.
  • The gardeners will come to mow or trim the yard early--especially in the summer to avoid the heat.
  • Your husband accidentally leaves his badge at home and calls a friend to pick it up for him. At 5:40 am. Husband thought he was being sweet by not calling me to wake me up, forgetting that I would likely be up with the baby at that time anyways. Thank goodness I was wearing the good pajamas that day!

So ladies, please do yourself a favor and invest in some quality pajamas, a nice robe, and some good slippers!